Eerie Summer // "the way i don't understand anything anymore" Added to Our 2016 Cassette Series

Instantly hooked. That's the most concise way I can describe the immediacy in which Eerie Summer's the way i don't understand anything anymore struck me on first listen — heck, within 10 seconds of pressing play, ~if I'm being honest here~.

With a nod to the Sarah Records catalog, combined in equal parts with Camera Obscura, Yumi Zouma, Best Coast and mix in, say, a slightly more mid-tempo take on what more contemporary peers like Westkust are doing, and you'll start to have an idea of what the Helsinki, Finland duo are up to. What's truly hard to get a grasp of, though, is how every song they've crafted maintains a consistently catchy, warm and intimate pop sensibility from start to finish. Add to all of this the endorsements of a veritable holy trinity of esteemed music blogs and a clearer picture of a band (project?) perfectly comfortable with and in control of what they're doing emerges.

We're very happy to be releasing this album as the July release in our 2016 monthly cassette series. You can order a copy individually or as part of the entire series — thanks for listening!

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