Topshelf Records @ CMJ 2012

filed under: #misc


We're stoked to announce that & Greenvans will be sponsoring our CMJ showcase this year! Label showcases are stuffy, smoozy industry events, right? L-O-L. If you were at last year's, then you already know that this is a straight up PARTY. All the info's below:

Topshelf Records [unofficial] CMJ Showcase
Presented by PropertyOfZack & Absolutepunk

6:00PM sharp. Friday, October 19, 2012.
@ Suburbia. 330 Melrose Street (basement), Brooklyn, NY.
All Ages. FREE (donations accepted for bands at door, though).
FREE POZ / / Topshelf / Greenvans merch while it lasts.
Full Topshelf distro set up with our entire stock and catalog available.
CMJ badges are not required. 

RSVP here! See you there!


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